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Deleted 3 days ago

Wrong page i ithink. But yes, Dark queen of MommyGoth is a good game.

Really goood, sadly reletable

True, it's sad. But at least we've been there together.

thought I could find something funnily ironic abt this game, seeing as I'm coming up on month 2 of unemployment and becoming anxiously desperate after getting no responses, only to find out this game is literally me 😭😭 after getting fired, I tried drawing as a "hobby," maybe hoping I'd get better at it, try to find something on youtube right before I go to bed so I'd have something to distract me, only for an ad to pop up and think how good it would be if I could time travel so I can fix the mess it is I call my life. 


Time travel forward, my friend. One terrible day at a time towards a better future.

(1 edit)

I also just wanted to say I played your other game, The Dark Queen of Mortholme, and honestly, it was so well made. Not only was the art very aesthetically pleasing, but the storyline was so good and all of it came together beautifully. As cheesy as it may sound, despite the way life has beaten me down lately, after seeing the way the ending played out for the Dark Queen, I finished playing the game feeling very hopeful for what may come in the future. Hope was something I thought I had lost and wouldn't find for quite some time and I want to say thank you for that. 

Hearing that, I'm very glad to have made these games.

god, this is to real, im going trought the same shit, good game btw


Not me playing this and realizing those phases where I have no motivation, no energy and I am just miserable all the time and I feel completely and utterly worthless and constantly tired for no apparent reason is...

✨ D   E   P   R   E   S   S   I   O   N  ✨

Great game, will recommend to friends. 

 don't worry about me, the reason I've made it until now is because I have a great support network that stops me from sinking into the abyss completely.

Are you ok? I have to say the way you worte don't worry about me is pretty disturbing

When you write don't worry so people won't worry, but they do anyway

I'm serious about doing well. Plus, when I wrote the review I was unemployed and handling that kinda poorly, feeling pretty much the emotions you can experience in Fatigue. Realizing why I was feeling so miserable helped me to snap out of it (and as said, I have a very strong support network, where I can be completely emotionally open and I had very strong faith that things would work out). I have a job now and am doing much better, thanks. :)


Last year i feeled the same when i had to return to my parents house because of lockdown less without searching a job and now an year after i think i'm here again plus searching a job. I escaped from this last time also by creating but the more project i have finished and the less time i'm feeling good (but i will still continue i think it's really important !) but now i think i'm gonna try learning about unity i want about something in the hope of escaping the fatigue and maybe i will help others to feel less alone like your game did with me ! Your work is really interesting and some weeks ago when i discovered Storykeeper i wanted to talk about in one of my project (sorry for the big text but i really wanted to tell your work resonate with me)

Yeah,feeling the same.

I'm a year late as I didn't notice your message until now. Still, I really wanted to say that I hope you're doing well these days. How's your project?

i feel u ;-;

so how do i make the game inside the game?

Is there any way to finish the drawing?


By exiting this state of mind, perhaps


really encouraged by this :) didn't know i needed this game but glad i had the fortune of finding it by chance!


I got inspiration from this thank you


hey i'm struggling to beat the game have any hints other than keep trying?


I sure do wish it was possible to beat depression


ok that actually got a chuckle out of me, i assume that there is no other ending to this game than running out of hp.

After I downloaded the Windows version and click on the exe file, this error shows up:

How should I fix this?


Ah, sorry about that. I've replaced the file so it should have the Data folder now, please let me know if there are any further issues!

Wow, thank you for the fast reply :)

This game portrays  where I am right now, down to the drawing and watching youtube at night. Well, I don't know if I'm depressed exactly, but I'm spinning my wheels, unmotivated. I figure I'll land a good job eventually if I keep looking, but who knows when that'll be? It's nice to feel less alone in that. Thanks.

I sincerely wish you all the best. It's hard not knowing how to get out of that mental state. Could be getting the job, but it could be something else, too. I hope you can find it soon. Good luck with your drawing, art always helps.


Thank you for releasing this. The "Bottom Line:" is something that I need to keep working at in my own life, but it's nice to see creativity combat depression in a way that we (your players) can connect with.