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Dang this was soo good.   That would be kind of cool if there was an option to join the hero and leave the throne roome. lol.. 


First I’d like to say thank you, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten even slightly invested in a games story - not saying that the writing is bad, it’s usually just too much, and gets so twisted up within itself that I get lost, then eventually don’t care… this is nice and simple, but PLEASE take that as the compliment it was intended to be! 

I always play a game with myself where I try to guess what happens in the first few minutes of a movie/game. and have hit it on the head quite a few times, but even though there may be only a few different possible outcomes here, I got it wrong… anybody else do this kind of thing? What did you picture the ending being? 

I thought the hero character was going to be faking death when the queen dropped her wand-thingy, and stab her through the heart when she was hugging his lifeless corpse (yes, I’ve been told my thoughts are dark many, many times) 😬👍

stellar game!!


Hello, I really enjoyed the game, but i feel like the game would benefit from queued controls because I'm pressing one key, and due to being in an animation already, it registry the next input, not allowing me to turn dynamically. this make it unfun to play as i have to hit perfect timing if i want to do certain actions.


also the fact that the ai can run between your feet and you can never hit it is so frustrating 


I think that's the point :-)

thats the point of the game, hero is learning, and at the end, u ll die anyway

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Now we need a DLC where we get around two more bosses we could choose to play as for more variety and replayability.

This game is sick!


Does anyone think that Drake Queen and Hero will flirt with each other? I'm just asking. But if there is, it would be good. Because it's so romantic

The writing was so romantic! And the ai work was really smart.

In 2024, I tried many games, but I did not try this game, and now I played it. In the list of the best 3 games, you deserve to be in it.❤💖
( Keep going )


hello I was interested in your game and I run a linux machine(new to linux), when I downloaded the file but was unable to install the package can you look into this please. 

(1 edit) (+4)

Such a great experience and concept.

I think that frustrating feeling in the combat is a good thing, the Queen embodies that which never changes, you are bound to feel frustration when the only moves you have stop working to the adapting hero, that really put you in the Queen's boots.

Overall I enjoyed it!

Amazing game


I'm ready to buy it if it comes to steam


that was dope!


please, donate and contribute with this or these guy(s). We need more indie games like this

Amazing game. Get it on steam, people will buy it.
I'd love more like this, and more of this..


now i want and ending in which they kiss




Podrían hacer una versión para Android 


What I can say?Really good game and nice gameplay.Endings…That part left an empty burning hole inside my soul.I am really sorry for The Queen and really dislike The Hero.She deserved more than just dying.


On the other hand, what else could the hero have done? The dark queen could not change. And it's implied that the dark queen is causing people and/or the world some amount of harm that makes it worth stopping her.

she literally never leaves her room! they butchered all her followers! the hero should just have the decency to at least leave her be.

Loved this game! I would buy this game if it was on steam. Hope the dev adds more content with the same setting


Eres la Reina Oscura, el ser más poderoso de todo tu universo. Un aspirante a héroe, un ser lamentable, fácilmente aplastable, invade tu guarida. Excepto que siguen regresando. Un antijuego de 20 minutos sobre una relación poco convencional y la capacidad de cambio.

Añade este Videojuego a tu WishList y Apoya a los Desarrolladores aquí | #videogames #indiegames  @itchiogames   @qwertyprophecy 


00:00 - STARTING 

20:02 - ENDING (YES)


Eres la Reina Oscura, el ser más poderoso de todo tu universo. Un aspirante a héroe, un ser lamentable, fácilmente aplastable, invade tu guarida. Excepto que siguen regresando. Un antijuego de 20 minutos sobre una relación poco convencional y la capacidad de cambio.

Añade este Videojuego a tu WishList y Apoya a los Desarrolladores aquí | #videogames #indiegames  @itchiogames   @qwertyprophecy 

great game


I am not exaggerating when I say that this is one of the best short stories I have ever experienced.

I am a changed man, I'm gonna go cry now

hi is the linux version bugged or not up to date? i have some weird low framerate and the meele atttacks cannot damage me? I decided to make a meele only run, because the game let me. I love the artstyle and idea though. really good job.

(1 edit)

I have heard from others that they've experienced no issues with the Linux version. Low framerate has been a rare reported issue with all builds, though. I'm not sure what's causing it. Did it seem to get worse the longer the game was running?

it stayed consistent even through restarts as far as I am aware. on subsequent runs I noticed the queens other attacks also not working just as the hero's melee. i tried using emulation through proton with the same result, so not sure if it is hardware related, though my pc is up to modern specs and this is just a 2d game.

what did you use to make the game



Ok i just read in the comments that there are multiple endings, from my one playthrough i felt strongly that it was all scripted which is my only caveat even if it isn't completely true.

However it was a really sweet experience, loved the artstyle, the dynamic of the characters, and the concept in general and i wanted more, which is the best feeling a game can leave you with :D

Overall congratulations! One of the best short games i have played, i hope you get to create a larger one, i'm sure its gonna be fantastic!


Also, (SPOILERS) and this could be subjective, i think it would have more impact in the end if there was a small pause after impaling the queen and before dragging the sword out of her body, it would be a bit more dramatic. 


I loved this game, though I wish that I'd been able to find an ending where it felt like anything truly changed.  I respect the exploration of what being a soulslike boss is, but for a game about the capacity for change, I felt dissatisfyingly unable to achieve it in anything but the manner in which the queen accepted her death.  Still, a very fun little game, I enjoyed the concept a lot.

I did find a bug where if the queen has just used move 3 when dropping below 1/4 health, the hero dies when the fire goes off, but is then resurrected for phase 2.  Should probably make the hero invulnerable after starting the phase 2 animation?  Also, possibly related, on the next run, the "what do you fear?" question was asked for a second time.

Deleted 31 days ago

another bug: 

I made my sister play, all was good, the queen was hugging the body but then when my sister hit the hero the hero lost the heart in the middle out of the three and then suddenly dropped dead. After this there were only two different dialogue options appearing, those being; "Am I even improving" and "oops, that´s my bad", these two alternanted every fight. There also seemed to be some kind of delay on some of the attacks, for example; my sister uses 1 to hit the ground 4 times before the hero gets close, but when he does he still dies.


The game plot its pretty good, just, the combat ends to appear way to false, you can tell it is done for you to lose, and thats boring, sometimes, my hits do strike him, and still he gets no damage, and its invincible even if I do hit him, that makes it feel that he is not truly improving, but that the game its just made it impossible for you to win, wich I know its that way, but should feel organic, not this bad taste of an unfair lose that even when you hit him he gets no damage by the last combats.


there´s quite a few endings, and you´re able to kill the hero in one. I´d agree though that the combat can be frustrating.

I felt the same way. I understand that as a boss, I’m not supposed to get upgrades like better armor, weapons, or even new spells beyond a second phase, so it makes sense for me to eventually lose. However, the AI not only learns too fast, but there are so many instances where my attacks clearly hit it, and yet it takes no damage.

It would feel much more organic if I could chain my attacks into combos instead of having to wait for one to finish before starting another. Sure, it might make me overpowered, but it would make the experience more fun and give the AI more time to adapt to my moveset. Alternatively, just not having the hitboxes randomly disappear would be a much better fix.


I would buy this if it was on steam


Mosu Aijala can you make a rpg about the Dark Queen of Mortholme? this games awesome


This is such a cool game!

How many enddings are there?

The dev answered this below: there are 4 variants of the canon ending, + two alternate endings for players who do unexpected things (like somehow manage to defeat the hero endlessly, or refuse to fight him altogether)

(2 edits) (+4)

This was so refreshing and enjoyable to play, every single time I would find myself waiting for the hero to enter through the door (a feeling I imagine, the queen shared). Its such a rewarding narrative to play through, the music and animations only add to its overwhelming beauty, the storytelling and symbolism in the animations and dialogue is absolutely phenomenal,  the setting is breathtaking. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH F OR MAKING THIS MASTERPIECE <333


I wish we could see the dark queen get to resurrect somehow, to be able to change in the manner she is told of by the hero, to possess the capacity for change that the hero employs throughout the story. Regardless, its a thoroughly rewarding thing to see the story unfold as it does with the queen dying near someone who she considered a worthy opponent, someone who changed her perspective in some way.

It's an unconventional relationship, but so endearing. To watch as the one you have come to know moves  onto where you cannot follow.

 There's such an interesting dynamic to behold with a  static game boss doomed to repeat the same moves and see as their opponent (who's become their only company, a presence they now somewhat cherish) who is destined to get better to progress, something which the boss is fundamentally incapable of doing, the manner in which the queen's physicality changes in regard to the hero is s perfectly indicative of this, how the hero changes from just a simple challenger whom she snaps out of existence to someone who she cradles upon death waiting for their return.

There's really  nothing more to say other than to laud this game (anti-game) for being both subversive and conventional, for making me remember all the times I would learn every single move of a boss just to fail again and again  (the feeling of catharsis when I'd finally beat it ), thank you for making it. The only thing to dislike is that I couldn't play more, stay with these beautiful characters for longer, but as it goes that all good things must come to an end.

I'm looking forward to whatever you'll choose to create next, looking at this, I'm sure it'll be something just as perfect.



I had just gotten through the dialogue of "I´m going to die, aren´t I" of the queen and actually managed to kill the hero while I was in the 2nd phase. My health bar disappeared and the hero didn´t end up laying on the ground and was instead chasing me. Although they were chasing me, the hero never tried to attack, and all my attempts to attack had no effect. When I eventually pressed space, the 2nd phase queen turned back into the normal one to touch the hero´s dead body and when the animation finished the hero wasn´t there and I was an Eldritch horror again. I was now permanently stuck like this, only able to aggressively attack the air.

PS: Genuinely such a good game, I absolutely loved it.

(1 edit) (+1)

This is such a beautiful and inspiring game.  I love the narrative, I love the different endings (I've gotten all 6)  

Some are bitter, some are bittersweet.   All are beautiful.

The only thing I don't like about this game is that there isn't more of it. 

I need more.  You're an amazing storyteller.  Please continue. 

Spoilers ahead for readers who haven't played yet:

I really hoped for some kind of ending where the queen would change and be able to resurrect.  The "would you show me how to do it? how to rise from the ashes?" line got my hopes up for that.  I suppose the "rest easy, linger on in the mark you have left on me" ending, and the "Perhaps you've already changed... rest easy, you can let go" endings are as close as we get.  

Unless you plan to make a sequel where she resurrects afterall, learning from the hero, and joins the hero on a quest to breathe new life into the world after they taught one another how to change and grow (please I would pay so much money for this).

"an unconventional relationship and the capacity for change." the only change i see is with the hero. wish there would be a way for the dark queen to change, i have to say that i feel like some of the attacks seem like they should hit sometimes but he just doesn't get hit, but another thing is that i loved all the dialogue it brought the game to life,  anyhow love the game great story would love a next part to this like some kind of revival of the dark queen but not as though she come straight back to her throne an evolution of some kind a "change".


Yes. The capacity for change studied through the eyes of someone utterly incapable of it.

Fighting like hell and doing nothing. Is there truly the end one must desire? Or our death is simply prescript...

Funnily enough, I got stuck in a loop where the hero kept dying immediately without advancing the dialogue. Guess I'll have to watch the ending on youtube.

Really enjoyed the (anti-)game and aesthetics, though.


I love the concept of the game but it feels too dragged on to enjoy the ending as it gets annoying realizing you actually dont have any control over the character. so you basically just hit random buttons to let the story progress.
I know its an anti-game but it lacks anything to be invested in it. feels more like an interactive story imo rather than an anti-game.
Overall I enjoyed it with the banter between the hero and the queen. I wish there was more to it than just linear dialogue though. like choosing from more dialogue options for different endings when she dies. or easter eggs.

definitely one of my favorite games to add to my collection. I enjoy villian/monster pov games ❤ thank you for this gem!

(3 edits) (+2)

There are literally 6 endings I have gotten through a combination of different dialogue choices and different fighting styles. 

I've found more than what the "All endings" videos on youtube show.

You can actually beat the hero and make him give up, you can refuse to fight the hero completely, you can be unyielding and cruel in your dialogue then soften your tone at the end, you can be soft in your dialogue at first and then decide not to yield in the end.  

You can *almost* make the hero give up, and then let him defeat you.

They all give different endings and there are different variations of the "yes" and "no" options at the end depending on how you played. 

[EDIT] I had only gotten 5, but I got the 6th now and the dev confirmed that's all there is.

Hey is there an ending, where you survive or you must die at every ending ? (sorry my english lol)

I think it's a lot more of a gem than you realize. There are six endings, I think. I wasn’t even able to get all of them yet. I’ve seen many, many dialogue options in only three runs, including variations in other lines of dialogue I´ve seen already. I'm not sure if those count as Easter eggs. There might be Easter eggs that I just haven’t seen with all the options because of how many are available. If it feels to you like the game is "dragged on," I´d recommend working on your attention span, as you would be missing out on a genuinely great game.  It´s honestly a miracle that this game is free at all, so please take advantage of that.


I saw it had a few more endings but i still struggled to get it. so I still stand on the difficulty part of character control. But thats just a skill issue on my part. regardless, the different endings to achieve or just notice you could get them feels unnoticeable.

I played a few hours and still enjoyed the game and paid towards the download because I believe in supporting indie devs when possible. I tried my best in giving my honest opinion.


good game, hope the devs add an ending where the hero becomes the dark queens subordinate,  or just more endings in general, its a very good short game either way, 10/10

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